Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Election is OVER!

Hello my loyal subjects! I have returned to blog about the election in the United States. As you all know by now, nominee Barrack Obama won. I've been asked to blog my feelings about the election, as well as my hopes, my fears, and some questions I have.

As far as my feelings go, I'm not sure what to think. Throughout the process I was kinda indifferent. I didn't really like or dislike either candidate. I was kind of leaning towards McCain though. Then throughout the election coverage is was really confusing and frustrating how they would call states for one candidate or the other when only 50% or less of the votes were in. Even when the margin between candidates was only 1-3 percentage points. When I found out that McCain had lost I was kind of disappointed, but then once I realized that Obama was the president I became very very nervous. I don't know why, I never really had anything against him but I was unbelievably nervous. The speeches they both gave were very good. McCain was very humble and supportive of Obama. I never heard Obama's speech that night, but after reading it the next morning I became excited for what may be to come as well as feeling proud for Obama and all he endured. 

My hopes for this new presidency and the country are not very complex or descriptive. But I hope that the country will be able to come together and put differences aside. Whether or not you voted for Obama it is important for the president to have the respect and support of the country. I hope the economy will recover before it gets any worse and especially before it gets as bad as the great depression.  I hope the country will remain safe from outside threats and that the wars in the middle east will be resolved. I hope the people in the country will not lose any and all moral values they may hold. I hope things do not get worse, but only better. 

My fears for the coming years is not a long list either. I fear that people will not support the president and that the country will remain divided. I fear the economy will get worse and that more people will lose jobs and become financially unstable. I fear that things are only going to get worse.

I wonder what will happen. How this will all end. Will people regret their decision to elect him? Will he be voted a second term?  With all the checks that are put in place, does it really matter who we elect?

 Lots to think about. What do my peasants think? 

Until next time,