Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Democracy Definition!

Well, today at princess school we were asked to define democracy. So here is what I think...

I believe that democracy is a government that is made by and run by the people of the nation. If the people want something to change then they must do it themselves and participate in the political process. Majority rules, so if they want something to change they must campaign and find others who want the same thing. A person cannot just sit around and be a spectator. People are considered to be "free" and have freedom because there is no one person ruling over them (such as myself). Abraham Lincoln had said, democracy is a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." 

So that is all I have to say for this evening, Princess has a lot of homework to do. And in the spirit equality I gave all my servants a day off, so I must do the homework myself. Aren't I compassionate? 


Anonymous said...

i agree with you but i also think the gov is in place to help us, and we help them

Coolishmo said...

I agree with you and Katy, the gov. should help us not hurt us and that it is ran by the people.

Curiousgymnast said...

I agree with all of you, that the goverment is ment to help, but i have a question is that what it looks like nowadays?